Monday, June 2, 2014

Fleeing from the Cylon Tyranny...

...The last Battlestar, Galactica, leads a ragtag fugitive fleet on a lonely quest...

Well here it is! I waited a long time for this build to come along. The classic Battlestar Galactica! 

The design of this ship holds a powerful nostalgia for me. I remember in the very early days of my internet exploration finding out about culttvman's website. For me it was a revelation, growing up in Hialeah Florida there were few people that I knew of other than my father and I who were even vaguely interested in science fiction let alone building models of spacecraft.

If there were any people my age doing it they certainly weren't living on my block!

To find that there was some kind of community out there and that they were active and doing new and interesting things provided a powerful boost of self esteem. Then I stumbled upon Starship Modeler, the IDIC page, Phil Broad's website of beautiful behind the scenes photos. To see the things that people were building and working on opened up whole new avenues for which I am eternally grateful. Most importantly it also opened the doors to new worlds of science fiction that I had never been exposed to. That's where the Galactica entered my life.

Of course I had seen Star Wars and Star Trek but when  I stumbled onto the Galactica my mind was blown. I hadn't even seen the series, but this ship was unbelievable! The Vipers, the Raiders, the shuttle. Everything mystified me. But the Galactica remained just about the coolest thing I had ever seen. When I got to high school I began attempts to scratchbuild Galactica with less than stellar results (though it still looked better than the monogram kit, which I could not afford) This early scratchbuild still survives although it has been thrashed bashed and unfinished for ten years now. I just don't have the heart to mothball it.

My old Galactica.

 Vastly unfinished.

 My first foray into major scratchbuilding.

I cant begin to fathom building one of these at 72 inches long with all those original donor kits...

Finally my big Galactica fix was satiated in 2004 when NuBSG arrived. For the record I love and adore NuBSG. It is my second favorite television show of all time only by virtue of Star Trek: TOS having captured my imagination at a much younger age. I thought it was a great series and still do, and it did something else, it brought Galactica back into the mainstream! Without it, I highly doubt Moebius models would have released their fantastic classic Galactica kits. So without derailing the post too much for the NuBSG detractors I present my Classic Galactica build!

Moebius has consistently surprised me with their fantastic kits, high on detail, easy to construct and just plain fun to build. The Galactica was no different.

 They really left nothing out! Oh I'm sure anyone can nitpick things, but compared to the days of old (science fiction modeling) this kit is light years beyond my wildest dreams! 

 Adding in the Paragrafix detail set only refined and perfected an already PERFECT kit. This thing is truly a work of art.

 The ship practically falls together out of the box.

Being part of a detail obsessive modeling community I couldnt help but just tweak some things here and there to make this kit really shine! Some small fiddly bits of detail were added here and there to help the ship really pop.

 Recessed areas over the main engines were drilled and hollowed out, to give a greater sense of depth. 

The biggest change I made to the kit was to scratchbuild the eyebrows over the equipment bays on the head. Again, just to give a bit more depth and to more accurately reflect the filming miniatures original parts. 

You may notice that underneath the ship is something a little more than a standard brass tube for mounting. That's right it's a coaxial connector!


Lighting the Galactica!

...For a shining planet, known as Earth!

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